Duty and Responsibility
- budget for Thesis, seminar, PhD week and other presentations to be held at the college at different times in the year in consultation with the appropriate departments.
- Manage responses to queries from staff, students, funding organisations and the like.
- Ensure effective record keeping (paper and electronic) including staff and students profile, and curricula in the respective unit, department, school, institute, faculty, college, postgraduate program and registrar Offices.
- maintain the database of postgraduate student information including personal details and the academic record.
- Provide orientation for newly enrolled postgraduate students in collaboration with department and registrar.
- Organize recreant seminars, PhD week, proposal and occasions collaboration with department.
- Verify and facilitate necessary remuneration deliverables to guest instructors , examiners and other staff for the conduct of the graduate program.
- Encourage and support departments for the expansion and strengthening of graduate programs.
- Compile tuition fees for continuing education programs.
- Represent the office of graduate programs in academic unit of the college.
- Responsible for both regular and continuing postgraduate education.
- Facilitate review of existing postgraduate curriculum when need arises and development of new curriculum based on need assessment.
- Prepare annual activity and budget required for postgraduate programs.
- Regularly report the performance of postgraduate programs to the Dean’s, and Director of postgraduate programs of the university.
- Monitor and evaluate the postgraduate programs in collaboration with respective department.
- Arrange relevant training for postgraduate students and their supervisors.
- Provide comprehensive services to service users.
- Prepare case notes, related case summaries, referrals and written reports to a high standard ensuring that all exam related cases are up-to-date and filed appropriately.
- Keep relevant statistics on caseload and duties undertaken as required.
- Undertake regular professional development activities to ensure the most up-to-date knowledge of issues relevant to the position.
- Participate in staff training and development programs as requested.
- Participate in sub-committees and working groups.
- Support and participate in the college (CAES) ongoing planning processes.
- Undertake periodic self-assessment of performance and effectiveness.
- Approve policies, priority objectives of the service, major programs and services, organization structure and performance standards.
- Select, support and evaluate the Agency Head and delegate operational management responsibilities to that position.
- Ensure reporting obligations are met and entering into Agreements among departments within the college.
- Design appropriate exam evaluation systems.
- The coordinator for Education Quality Assurance and Audit Office shall have the following powers and responsibilities.
- Assess the quality and relevance of programs at college level.
- Ensure that policies, guidelines and packages of the University are implemented at the college level.
- Conduct and/or coordinate research on various issues of quality and relevance of education in the college of agriculture and environmental Sciences
- Organize/facilitate training to teaching staff on quality and relevance of education.
- Ensure that the teaching learning process is carried out as per the schedule,
- Assess the assessment methods help to measure the required level of competencies for each program in the college.
- Ensure that effective teaching methods are implemented.
- Make sure that the opening of new programs has no conflict of interest at university level.
- Facilitate the opining of new programs-based need assessment and in compliance with university legislation.
- Undertake regular feedback from staff, students and stakeholder in the education system.
- Ensure the timely implementation of staff appraisal.
- Facilitate curriculum review on regular base for the new and existing programs.
- Facilitate workshops on quality assurance new developments at college level.
- Undertake other duties as assigned to him/her by the college dean or by the education quality assurance and audit directorate office.
- Coordinates the teaching learning process in collaboration with the respective departments and assess the proper implementation of the educational rules and regulations of the University.
- Organizes, coordinates, and administers the Office of the Distance and Continuing Education programs of the college.
- promote the continuing and distance education programs in the College for better student admission.
- Prepares and submits annual plan and report to the dean office.
- Assures that distance and continuing education programs incomes and expenses are handled/ treated according to the financial regulations of the University.
- Works with college education quality & audit coordinator in ensuring the courses offered in the continuing education program are in accordance with academic standards set by colleges for the regular full-time-day program.
- Take appropriate actions in consultation with stakeholders recommendations with regard to the programs or other academic matters.
- Ensure effective implementation of the policies and decisions lay down by the University for the proper administration of continuing education programs in ensuring equal quality of education between the regular and continuing education programs.
- Carry out additional activities assigned to by the college dean and
- Handles files, statistics and records related to CDEP activity and students.
List of Academic Unit Council (AUC)
S/N Full Name Duty/Possition Email Phone
1 Kehali Jembere (PhD) Dean of the CAES jembere.kehali@gmail.com +251918776716
2 Teferi Alem (PhD) V/Dean of the CAES teferialem@gmail.com +251980270685
3 Abebe Birara Head, Department of Agricultural Economics a.birara@yahoo.com +251921673753
4 Mekuriaw Zewdie Head, Department of General Forestry zmekuria3@gmail.com +251918464732
5 Fentahun Asrat Head, Department of Horticulture asratfentahun@gmail.com +251919992966
6 Temesgen Mekonnen Head, Department of Natural Resources Management temelrm2003@gmail.com 913874562
7 Yigrem Mengist Head, Department of Plant Sciences yigremmengist07@gmail.com 918800726
8 Kefale Enyew Head, Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension kefale456@gmail.com 918048763
9 Assefa Tilahun (PhD) Research and Publication coordinator aseefa37@gmail.com +251910374592
10 Beyene Derso Community Service coordinator beyenederso@gmail.com +251918779669
11 Assefa Sintayehu (PhD) Technology Transfer and UIL coordinator kassaassefa@gmail.com +251911749486
12 Yenus Ousman (PhD) Postgraduate Programs coordinator ekram.ousman6@gmail.com +251918711101
13 Melese Alemu Assistant Registrar myalemu@yahoo.com +251918192412
14 Kibrom Adino (PhD) Education Quality Assurance and Audit coordinator kibromadino@gmail.com 912416635
15 Mohamed Gedefaw (PhD) Exam Center coordinator mohammedgedefaw@gmail.com +251920418277
16 Taye Melese Continuing and Distance Education Coordinator tayemelese20@gmail.com +251918534610
17 Aytolign Wassie Farm Manager aytolgn2008@gmail.com +251918178185
18 Kassaye Gurebiaw Students Associate Dean kassayegurebiyaw@gmail.com +251923647765